Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are a simple, quick and inexpensive solution for missing teeth. Partial dentures are also used when a patient does not have enough remaining teeth to support a bridge, or when the remaining teeth are distributed in an unfavourable manner. Metal partial dentures may serve long term. For short term use, the partial dentures are made of plastic.

When a person has a sudden loss of a front tooth (sport accidents, school accidents, etc.), a special small partial denture that complete the missing tooth (or teeth) can be fabricated and delivered within 1-2 days to spare social discomfort. this partial denture is called a “flipper”.


#102-3737 Oak Street, Vancouver BC




By Car

Free parking is available on Oak Street, Balfour Street, or Wolfe Street. Some restrictions apply.

By Bus/Skytrain

Bus #17, #25, and the Canada Line (King Edwards) station are all nearby.