Cracked Tooth Treatments
There are many different types of cracked teeth: cracks of the outer enamel, cracks with a piece of a tooth’s chewing surface broken off, cracks that extend below the gums, and more . When you have a cracked tooth, you may feel pain when chewing, with the release of biting pressure, or pain when your tooth is exposed to extreme temperatures. Sometimes, this pain may come and go. Cracks of teeth are very difficult to diagnose and can not be seen in X- rays. If a crack appears on an X-ray- it is no longer defined as a crack but rather a breaking fracture of the tooth. The treatments and results for your teeth depend on the type, location and the extent of the crack. For example, if the crack extends above the gums only, the results are better and usually the tooth can be saved by crowning it. If you think you have a cracked tooth, it is important to visit your dentist very soon. The treatment for your cracked tooth relieves pain and reduces the likelihood that the crack will continue to develop. If the crack develops deep under the gums into the root, then the tooth can not be saved.