Tooth Extraction (Possible Complications)


Bleeding during the first 36 hours after tooth extraction is normal. You can control excessive bleeding by placing a dampened gauze pad or a moistened tea bag over the surgical site and gently biting on it for 30 minutes. If your bleeding does not decrease after 48 hours, you should call Shen Dental.

An extended lack of feeling around the mouth the first few hours after the surgery is normal.
Hematoma is internal bleeding into the tissues. The area may appear red or blush and bulging. Hematoma usually dissolves within 7-10 days. To speed the resolution, you may use warm compresses* in 10-15 minutes interval. During resolution the color may change to yellow or green.

How to minimize swelling?

  • Immediately after tooth extraction and during the first 36 hours: apply an ice pack in 15 minutes intervals to the facial area near the extraction.
  • After 36 hours, you can apply warm compresses* to the side of your face to help reduce the swelling.

Swelling should subside almost entirely within 10 days after surgery.

Dry Socket?
Normally, a blood clot is formed at the site of extraction. This clot provides a protective layer over the bone and the nerve ending. Dry socket is caused when the blood clot dissolves or dislodges before the wound has a chance to heal. This condition is more common in back teeth, particularly wisdom teeth, although it can occur at any extraction site.

Dry socket causes a throbbing intense pain that shots up towards the ear. It usually occurs 2 or more days after the extraction and can last 5-10 days.

How to avoid dry socket?

  • Try to avoid smoking during the first 24 hours after surgery.
  • Avoid sucking actions: smoking, spitting or using straws.
  • Do not rinse your mouth excessively. This may interfere with blood clotting.

What to do?

  • Forcing bleeding in the extraction site does not solve the problem.
  • If you think you may be suffering from dry socket, please contact Shen Dental. The doctor will apply a local treatment.
  • Smoking
    You should not smoke for at least 3 days following surgery/extraction. The longer you avoid smoking, the better your healing will progress.
    Muscle Stiffness
    Your chewing muscles and jaw joints may remain sore up to one week after surgery. You may find it hard to open and close your mouth. Soreness should eventually subside.

    What to do?

    • Warm compresses: Starting on the third day after extraction stop applying the ice pack and switch to warm compresses to the stiff muscles (cheeks, neck and temples).
    • Stretching: Use your fingers to slowly push your teeth apart. This move will stretch the tight jaw muscles. Stretching is more effective if you do it immediately after warming the muscles with warm compresses.
    • Massage: Use your fingers to press on tender spots, knots or bumps in the jaw muscles using a circular motion. Repeat the massage several times a day.
    If you have any worries or are experiencing any complication not mentioned, please contact Shen Dental.

    *Warm Compresses: use a heating ad or a damp cloth heated in the microwave for about 15 seconds. Apply it in the relevant area.


    #102-3737 Oak Street, Vancouver BC




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