Tooth Extraction (Instructions) At Shen Dental In Vancouver

Immediately Following Surgery
Firmly bite on the gauze pad that the doctor placed over the surgical area to help stop the bleeding. We will change the gauze pad before you leave the office. You may change the gauze pad once more at home, leaving it on for 30 more minutes.
You may have difficulty feeling your lips, cheeks, or tongue due to numbness. This is temporary and will wear off within 2 to 6 hours. Please take care not to bite your lips, cheeks, or tongue.

When you get home, fold and place a gauze pad directly over the extraction site. Bite firmly for 30 minutes. If blood continues to pool or drip from the extraction site within 15-20 seconds of removing the gauze, apply another fresh gauze pad for an additional 30 minutes. Do not use the amount of blood on the gauze pad as a guide, as minimal bleeding may continue for up to 24 hours.
Your saliva could be slightly blood-tinged for several days after the surgery. This is common. Therefore, you should cover your pillow with a plastic bag or a sheet during the first night to prevent staining.
Please call Shen Dental if bleeding is excessive.

Pain Following Surgery
Some discomfort is to be expected following any surgery.
If you received a prescription following your surgery, please follow the instructions carefully.
Common painkillers (such as Advil, Tylenol, and Aleve) work very well to relieve pain. They can reduce the need for prescribed pain medication. You may alternate your prescription pain medication with ibuprofen for maximum relief. Ask before you leave the clinic for best results!
Do not use ibuprofen if you are allergic to aspirin or other NSAIDs.

Prescription Medication
If you received a prescription for antibiotics and/or pain medication following your surgery, please fill the prescription at the pharmacy of your choice. Follow the instructions provided by your doctor carefully.
If itching or swelling occurs, stop taking the medications immediately and call Shen Dental or go to the nearest emergency room.

You should chew as little as possible on the side of the surgery.
If you had multiple extractions, consume soft foods on the day of surgery and the following day. Recommended foods include ice cream, pudding, jello, yogurt, lukewarm soup, pancakes, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, and pasta. After the third day, you can eat anything with caution, unless instructed otherwise.
Avoid hard, crunchy foods such as chips or nuts for at least one week.
Avoid alcoholic drinks for at least 24 hours following general anesthesia, or as long as you are taking pain medication.

You should not smoke for at least 3 days following surgery/extraction. The longer you avoid smoking, the better your healing will progress.

Sucking and Spitting
You should not use straws for 3 days following surgery.
Avoid sucking or picking at the extraction site, as sucking can increase bleeding.
Do not spit blood or saliva, as spitting may increase the bleeding.

Brushing and Rinsing Your Mouth Following Surgery
Avoid brushing, rinsing, or spitting on the day of surgery.
The day after your surgery, you may brush your teeth, but avoid brushing near the extraction site(s) for 3 days.
After the third day, rinse with 1/2 cup of warm water and a pinch of salt until the area heals. Do not use mouthwash with alcohol, as it can irritate the wound.

Your sutures dissolve on their own and may come out anytime after surgery. You may notice that they are loose after the swelling of your gum tissue decreases. This is completely normal.

Do not drive or engage in strenuous activities for at least 24 hours after surgery.
You may return to work or school when you feel recovered. A doctor’s note can be provided if needed.

Follow-up Appointment
You may be asked to return for a follow-up visit within 10-14 days after surgery. There is no additional charge for this visit. Please make an effort to return for an examination of your surgical sites to ensure proper healing.

You may also read our information on Complications After Tooth Extraction.