Professional Teeth Cleaning: True or False PART III


A teeth cleaning by a professional is a well-known practice for maintaining good oral health. Join us for more information on common myths and truths regarding this treatment!

Teeth tartar is similar to kettle’s tartar, so it can be removed with lime scale removers.

NOT TRUE! As you regularly clean the tartar from the kettle and washing machine, be sure to clean it from your teeth. However, materials such as baking soda may be abrasives to your teeth. To explain that, let’s take a look at Mohr’s Scale of Mineral Hardness that rates the relative hardness of all minerals. Diamond is a 10! Tooth enamel is a 5 on the other hand, and tooth dentin rates even lower with a hardness rating of only 2.5; and baking soda’s hardness rating is also a 2.5. If you have receding gums, it’s very possible that the surface at the gum line that you brush is not enamel, but dentin which is softer than the enamel, and therefore more fragile. It’s really the safest to let the professionals do the deep cleaning!

Professional teeth cleaning is not intended for children.

NOT TRUE! Children should visit a dentist or a dental hygienist for professional cleaning from the age of 6. While most children do not require scaling, we do find kids with tartar, as well as staining, even at a young age. It is very important Children’s teeth be examined! Even when there is no tartar, children may have plaque requiring a thorough cleaning in order to be removed entirely. In addition, during visits to the dentist or hygienist, children may be instructed on how to brush their teeth correctly. A visit every six months can help your child maintain good oral hygiene and develop good habits for the future.

Teeth cleaning may solve bad breath.

TRUE! Bad breath, also called halitosis, is an embarrassing health condition that affects about 30% of the world’s population, usually the result of anaerobic bacteria that thrive without oxygen, and multiply under and over the tongue, and in the throat – often in the tonsils. The main cause of bad breath for approximately 95% of the population is the buildup of odor-producing bacteria and food residue in the mouth. Bad breath can also result from poor oral hygiene and the presence of gingivitis and bleeding. Your dentist or dental hygienist can identify and resolve the problem by removing plaque, providing therapeutic creams, or a guided brushing and tongue cleaning (and more!).

Professional teeth cleanings can hurt teeth.

NOT TRUE! People may feel odd after teeth treatment because scaling got rid of calculus and some gaps were opened between the teeth. Some people have some sensitivity following treatment, especially if large amounts of plaque and calculus were removed from under the gums. While these complaints are common, this does not mean that the teeth were hurt. On the contrary, the presence of tartar on the tooth root surfaces can cause diseases and changes in tissue, such as gingivitis and receding gums as well as tearing between the roots of teeth and gums.

Did you know…

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